Sunday, 25 March 2012

All in a days work...

Fortunately for me, I get to work with some incredibly talented fellow make up artists, photographers and models. 

Recently, I was kindly asked by my friend Chip to do her make up for a photo shoot. In the industry, this is known as a test shoot where rather then getting paid to attend the shoot, you get paid in prints. This is handy for someone like me who is trying to build my portfolio and also really great for getting to meet photographers. It also gives you a 'behind the scenes look' at what goes on behind the camera. (FYI, you spend more time finding the right lighting then you do taking photos!)

Chip has a great 'pin up' type look and this was great for me as 'pin up', is one of my all time favourite looks. It mixes sexiness, glamour but also a very ladylike vibe. We shot on location at The Waterfront, Norwich, which is a local venue for gigs and themed nights and has housed many fantastic musicians etc. 
The photographer was Al Pulford ( who is an exceptionally talented photographer based in Norwich. He is also the official photographer for The Waterfront so we were able to use the venue during one Saturday.

I've attached a few of the photos, but I would definitely recommend checking out Al's work. The other photos from the shoot should be with me shortly and I will update this post once I have them.

Love Marissa


  1. Excellent eyebrows - she looks fab!

  2. Hello, I am currently doing a giveaway on my blog, if you think you might be interested then check it out!

  3. Great look & good luck with your portfolio!!!

    I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! Check out my blog for details...


MDR Make Up